summary | ||
public |
Tests if a function holds true for all elements in an iterable. |
public |
Combines two iterables into one by pairing each element in the first with each element in the second. |
public |
Tests if a function holds true for any of the elements in an iterable. |
public |
Appends an object to the end of an iterable sequence. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns a new iterable with all of the same elements but with a memory buffer. |
public |
Splits an iterable into chunks of a given size. |
public |
Concatenates two iterables into one. |
public |
Counts the number of elements in an iterable. |
public |
F defaultComparison(i: *, j: *): * |
public |
F dict(equality: *): {"get": *, "set": *} |
public |
F distinctUntilChanged(e: Object=, xs: Object): Object Takes an iterable and returns a new one with adjacent duplicate elements removed. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns a new one including only elements that satisfy a given predicate. |
public |
Returns the first element of an iterable that satisfies a given predicate. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns a new one where each element is transformed using the given function. |
public |
Given an iterable returns a new iterable that repeats it forever. |
public |
Given an array, returns an iterable with equivalent elements. |
public |
F fromGenerator(xs: Object): Object Given a generator function, returns an iterable with equivalent elements. |
public |
Returns an iterable of iterables split by the grouping function. |
public |
Returns the first element of an iterable. |
public |
Tests if a an iterable contains a given element. |
public |
F indexed(xs: *) |
public |
F intercalate(s: Object=, xs: Object): Object Puts a given item between each element in a sequence. |
public |
F isIterable(xs: Object): Boolean Tests if a given object is an iterable |
public |
Joins all elements in an iterable using the given seperator. |
public |
Constructs an iterable from a fixed list of elements. |
public |
Returns the last element of an iterable that satisfies a given predicate. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns a new one where each element is transformed using the given function. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns the largest element, according to the given comparison. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns the smallest element, according to the given comparison. |
public |
Tests if a function holds true for none of the elements in an iterable. |
public |
Returns the nth element of an iterable. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns a new iterable that may only be iterated once. |
public |
Prepends an object to the start of an iterable sequence. |
public |
Creates an iterable of numbers from zero to the given limit. |
public |
Performs a reduction of an iterable, starting from a given state and reducer function. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns a new iterable where the nth element has been skipped. |
public |
Repeats an iterable for the given number of times. |
public |
Given an iterable, returns a new iterable with the elements reversed. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns a new iterable where the nth element has been set to a given value. |
public |
Returns the first element of an iterable that satisfies a given predicate. |
public |
Skips the first n elements of an iterable. |
public |
Skips elements from an iterable for as long as the elements satisfy a given condition. |
public |
Deep flattens an iterable and all of its nested iterables. |
public |
Given an iterable, returns a new iterable with the elements sorted. |
public |
F sortedBy(f: *, c: *): * |
public |
F sortedByDesc(f: *, c: *): * |
public |
Sums all elements in an iterable. |
public |
Returns an iterable of all elements except the first. |
public |
Takes the first n elements of an iterable. |
public |
Takes elements from an iterable for as long as the elements satisfy a given condition. |
public |
Takes an iterable and converts it into an array. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns a new one with duplicate elements removed. |
public |
Takes an iterable and returns a new iterable where the nth element has been updated with the given function. |
public |
Combines two iterables into one by pairing elements. |
public |
V defaultEquality: {"hashCode": *, "isEqual": *} |
public |
V empty: {"undefined": *} An empty iterable. |
public |
V strictEquality: {"hashCode": *, "isEqual": *} |
public |
V stringifyEquality: {"hashCode": *, "isEqual": *} |
public |
V structuralEquality: {"hashCode": *, "isEqual": *} |