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A simple library for manipulating generators and arrays in JavaScript.


Get Started

Install using Yarn:

yarn add @njlr/seq

Install using NPM:

npm install --save @njlr/seq

You can browse the documentation on GitHub.

Why? 🤔


import * as seq from '@njlr/seq';

const xs = [ 1, 5, 1, 2, 7, 3, 3, 4, 5, 0 ] 
  |> seq.unique()
  |> seq.map(x => x * 2)
  |> seq.filter(x => x > 4)
  |> seq.sorted()
  |> seq.toArray;

// xs is [ 6, 8, 10, 14 ]

Since seq works on iterables, you can also use for...of loops:

import * as seq from '@njlr/seq';

for (const x of seq.range(10) |> seq.map(x => x * x)) {

This library also plays nicely with spread syntax!

const squares = [ ... seq.range(10) |> seq.map(x => x * x) ];


Dependencies are managed by Yarn:

yarn install --pure-lockfile

To run all tests:

yarn test

To build the library:

yarn build

To build the documentation:

yarn docs

To release a new version:

npm publish --access public